
Advertising Opportunities

Wealth Insider Alert offers advertising opportunities in list rentals, publication sponsorships

and co-registration.

List Rental:

List rental is the most direct and responsive approach. It’s also one of the most measurable.

These emails are sent from Market Insights Daily directly to active subscribers who have

opted in to receive emails from us. These emails feature a stand-alone message from the


Target individual lists for more focused efforts or reach our broad subscriber base to promote

offers with your brand’s look and feel and 100% share-of- voice.

Publication Sponsorship:

Publication sponsorship is available in our daily publications, providing advertisers with an

opportunity to speak to audience within the body of our content-rich media.

Reach our growing readership of investors who constantly demand new and innovative

investment research services, software, publications, and investment ideas.


To get started or just to find out more information contact Gary Mizrahi at (347) 669-5151 today.